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Wednesday 26 April 2017


Nowadays, not only the women who want a clean face, bright, and also smooth, but the men are also now beginning to pay attention to the appearance in earnest. Well, one of the elements that must be considered to have radiant skin is the voter problem right facial skin cleanser. But before buying a skin cleanser advance, would be much better if you detect in advance what your skin type. In general, there are 6 types of skin types, ranging from normal skin, dry, oily, sensitive, combination, and also prone to acne.

Tips to Choose Skin Cleansing Facial Safe And Suitable For Men

1. Normal skin
Normal skin is a type of skin types that can be said to be almost perfect, which is not too dry or oily, and also not so sensitive. Type of facial skin cleanser that is right for you is a pH balanced cleanser to prevent your skin is too oily or too dry.
2. Dry Skin
If you have a dry skin type mua, then you should use a cleanser that moisturizes, so that your skin becomes more dry. Choose a facial skin cleanser that contains alpha-hydroxy-acid which is capable of reducing the dry areas and also prevents any irritation caused by skin that is too dry.
3. Oily Skin
Oily facial cleanser for men - facial skin cleanser that contains glycolic or salicylic acid will help reduce the levels of excess oil on your skin. Clean your face with cleansing foam or gel is not more than 2 times a day, and do not squeeze your pimples because it will slow down the healing.
4. Combination skin
Leather combinations, including the type of normal or dry skin in certain areas and oily in other areas, usually in the T-zone area, which is around the nose, forehead, and chin. For combination skin, use soap facial cleanser that can remove excess oil as well as moisturize dry areas without clogging the pores. Glycolic acid cleanser with a low percentage can help cleanse and moisturize the skin when used daily.
5. Sensitive skin
If you are easily flushed skin, itching, burning, and also dry, then use a cleanser with pH levels are balanced and do not use cleaners containing acids or scrubs. Better to use a gentle foam cleanser with a soothing formula for treating the symptoms. Avoid cleaners that smell and that contain chemicals that are harmful.
6. Skin prone
Acne facial cleanser for men - If your facial skin is easy once typical acne, it would be much better if you consult your doctor. Wash your face two times a day, with a cleanser that has a pH balanced in the morning and face cleanser with salicylic acid 2% in the evening. Avoid downloading scrub your skin because it can cause acne sores. Do not let the cleaning too long in front of you because it can make your face too dry.
how to choose a facial cleanser that is good and right
Whatever your skin type, always use a moisturizer with SPF and always reapply every 3 hours. In addition, you should avoid using the toner. Toner usually contain alcohol and they would eliminate the essential oils in the skin, so even though your skin is normal, it could be your skin from becoming too dry or too oily.

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